Thursday, June 23, 2005

So, why aren’t we going to Burundi?

Rema’s work at the moment is with the refugees outside of Burundi. As more people move back home, the work will change too. So maybe next year we’ll be visiting Burundi.

Kirundi word for the day is NI NEZA– which means 'it is good' in answer to 'BITE'/ 'how are you?'.

Tuesday, June 21, 2005

Africa Lives on the BBC

BBC are doing a whole series of programmes about Africa on radio and TV, I presume prompted by the G8 summit and the emphasis on Africa. I've only seen a snippet of Bob Geldoff on Africa - which was a fascinating show about what makes Africa such a unique contint, worth catching or taping the second part on BBC one, 22 June 05: 7.30pm-8pm. There's even a Question of African Sport scheduled.

What’s Burundi like?

Burundi is the small heart-shaped country in the middle of Africa, between Tanzania and Democratic Republic of Congo, just below Rwanda. It’s about the same size as Belgium. It is close to the equator, but because of the altitude, most of the year it is around 20oC. There are about 7 million people, they speak Kirundi and French. Life is quite hard if you are Burundian; the average life expectancy is 40 years and only half of the population can read and write. There has been political instability since the president was assassinated in 1993, but there is now a peace process.

Kirundi word for the day is BGAKEYE - Good Morning (the day breaks).

Wednesday, June 08, 2005


Haven't posted for a while, should be able to catch up a bit now.
Had the last of my injections yesterday, that's 10 in total, plus malaria tablets, total cost £198. That’s half the airfare! Now on first name terms with the practice nurse, and I need ideas for exotic trips for next year – got to get my money’s worth out of all these jabs.

Kirundi word for the day is BITE – which means HOW ARE THINGS?